You’re Doing Everything Right and Still Feel Like Crap! Four Common, Reversible Causes
1. LOW THYFIOID FUNCTION – (hypothyroidism)
Hypothyroidism is a common cause of general fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold hands and feet, week muscles, achy joints, hair loss, itchy-dry skin, depression, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, constipation and high cholesterol.
Subclinical Hypothyroidism is commonly undiagnosed. The American Thyroid Association has stated that up to 60% of Americans have a thyroid dysfunction and do not know it. Many patients have stated that they were told their thyroid was “fine” but their symptoms and a more comprehensive blood test revealed hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can be treated and in most cases corrected.
2. TOXICITY – a state of high toxicity and leaky gut caused by a food intolerance.
A food intolerance is different than a food allergy and is much more common. If your body does not produce the proper enzymes to digest the carbohydrates, protein and fat that you eat, then the undigested food particles can act like a toxin and cause many symptoms, such as: fatigue, abdominal pain/bloating, reflux/GERD, diarrhea, IBS, migraine headaches, psoriasis/eczema, and autoimmune diseases. Your symptoms will continue as long as you continue to poison yourself. Identifying and eliminating this toxin can be life changing.
3. GI INFECTIONS – Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) or Dysbiosis
This infection will not show up on standard blood tests. Symptoms can be abdominal pain and bloating, gas, belching, fatigue, constipation, and brain fog. Abdominal pain and bloating after a meal is a tell tale sign. Correcting and re-establishing the healthy balance of bacteria will eliminate this condition.
4. HORMONE IMBALANCE – Hormones rule our life!
Many women and men suffer from these imbalances and do not know it. Hormonal imbalance can result in sexual dysfuntion, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, hypertension, depression, fatigue, mental fogginess and many more symptoms that reduce your quality of life. Chronic Stress…and its effects on the adrenal glands can lead to: low energy, trouble getting started in the morning, craving salty foods, low libido, falling asleep but unable to stay asleep (waking typically at 3-4am for 30-45 minutes), low blood sugar episodes (hypoglycemia), low immune resistance, anxiety and the reduced ability to handle stress. A take- home urine test can identify adrenal stress and these hormonal imbalances.
The goal of Functional Medicine is to TREAT THE CAUSE AND NOT JUST THE SYMPTOM.
Every person is unique and we need to evaluate the “whole body” to discover the cause or causes of health complaints. Using advanced DNA testing, urine testing, comprehensive blood tests, stool tests, and special organic acid tests can help reveal the hidden cause. If you don’t or can’t identify and correct the cause, you may be convicted to take medications that only treat your symptoms.
Dr. Campbell is available for Public Speaking
Engagements on Functional Nutritional Topics.
Charles Campbell, D.C., AFMCP
1525 Lakeville Dr, Ste 123, Kingwood, TX 77339